Since Donald Trump’s election, the liberal Left has been in a downward spiral. Immediately following the election the Left was in shock and acted in a respectable manner. Hillary Clinton graciously conceded and suggested that the President-elect be given time to work on behalf of the People. Barack Obama gracious statements included offering his office’s full cooperation in the transition of power. In the five weeks since, the liberal Left has been in full attack mode.
First, Green Party candidate Jill Stein asked for vote recounts in various states even though she received few votes during election. This effort had the tacit support of Hillary Clinton’s team. When that effort failed, the Russian-backed computer issue took over. While there is clear evidence of Russian hacking that was known before the election, the liberal Left attempted to create a nexus between that hacking and the election’s outcome. However, there is absolutely no evidence to support this narrative.
The liberal Left is persistent. Now, their attempt to nullify the will of the People is focused on convincing Electors to ignore the vote outcomes in their states. While this effort will fail, the tactic nevertheless indicates a distain for the Democratic process and Constitution. Prior to the election, when the Left was convinced of Hillary’s inevitable victory, their related focus was on whether Trump would accept the will of the People when he lost. Their approach since demonstrates the Left’s hypocrisy.
The Left’s derangement since Trump’s election goes deeper than organized political associations. This has been exhibited by some in the news media breaking down in tears, college professors giving students time off for election depression, and New York City Mayor Bill DeBlasio offering paid counseling for city workers depressed by Trump’s election. Families were even coached prior to Thanksgiving on how to avoid acrimonious discussions during the holiday dinner.
This week Fox News host Tucker Carlson interviewed Kurt Eichenwald, senior Newsweek writer, concerning his reporting of Trump. The exchange, included in the video below, is a poster child for Leftist derangement.
Carlson raised an Eichenwald tweet in which the Newsweek reporter indicated that Trump had a nervous breakdown and was “institutionalized in a mental hospital for a nervous breakdown in 1990.” Carlson asked a yes or no question as to whether Trump was ever institutionalized. Not only wouldn’t Eichenwald’s answer, but he is response devolved into derangement with the Newsweek senior writer seemingly losing connection with reality.
It is understandable that those who voted for Hillary Clinton are disappointed with the election. However, given that Donald Trump was elected and will become the next President of the United States, the derangement has developed is irrational. It also is undemocratic.
It is time for all Americans to get behind the President-elect and work with him to promote policies that are for the benefit of the Country. Should the President-elect propose or promote policies not in keeping with one’s moral or political views, that would be the appropriate time for opposition.
Filed under: Mainstream Media, Radical Left Tagged: Carlson, Eichenwald, Election, Liberal, Newsweek, truck