It has been a few wild days in the race for the White House. On Friday, FBI Director James Comey announced that the Bureau is reopening its criminal investigation into Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server and potential mishandling of classified documents. If found guilty of a felony Clinton would be subject to potential jail time. Quite a shadow hanging over a potential president-elect!
It is remarkable that James Comey, who just a week ago was considered a hero and patriot by the Left after recommending against Clinton’s prosecution in July, is now demonized by these same people. Either they were wrong about Comey in July or they are wrong now. In fact the issue is not Comey’s credibility or patriotism, but his findings that go against the political leanings of the Left. This is incredulous for a group that often claims the need for bipartisanship, blaming Republicans for the polarization in Washington. How quickly the worm has turned.
Some on the Left are beginning to take their compatriots and Clinton to task for the email mess, Hillary’s own creation. Earlier this week Doug Schoen, long-time supporter of the Clintons, pulled his support for Hillary due to concern for a Constitutional crisis that would likely occur should she be elected president. Just as amazing, MSNBC’s liberal cohost, Mika Brzezinski, took off after Hillary Clinton and those on the Left that have attacked James Comey, as shared in the video below.
Both political parties are to blame for the state of American national political mess. Republicans rejected their Party’s conventional wisdom and nominated Donald Trump merely because he was an outsider and irrespective of qualifications or policies. Taking a different route, the Democrat establishment chose to coronate Hillary Clinton even though she was deemed dishonest by many and under FBI investigation for potential criminal acts. Those who cry foul on both sides of the aisle need to take a long look in the mirror to locate the source of the Country’s problem.
Filed under: Politics Tagged: Brezinski, Clinton, Comey, FBI, Hillary, Schoen, trump