Since World War II, Progressive Leftists have been successful in re-creating a narrative of American history that demonized America, focusing on racism and international relations. Under this narrative, the total of the American experience revolved around racism and imperialistic aspirations.
Slavery is an ugly blight on America. Rarely discussed, however, is how far this Country has traveled since that repulsive part of our first one hundred years. Also not discussed is the fact that the corrective actions taken were not a result of foreign intervention. Those corrections, which began with the Civil War, led to the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Americans. Since, more insidious parts of racism have been and continue to be addressed by the greater society.
As for America’s supposedly imperialistic desires, this narrative is a canard. While some American international actions have been less than noble, they are more than offset by the sacrifices this Country made to protect so other countries . This included our forced interventions into European and Asian wars.
The Progressive revisionist history of America is also promoted by Barrack Obama. But, he is not the first Leftist to promote this narrative. In the 1960s and 1970s, America was under assault by the Left worldwide for its intervention in Vietnam. In hindsight, this intervention was handled poorly. At the same time, the geopolitical atmosphere that led to the intervention was European-based. As the imperialistic empires of Europe disintegrated after World War II, there was a power vacuum created that was a fertile breeding ground for conflict between the two superpowers, the United States and Soviet Union.
There were those in the 1970s who correctly saw the attack on America and its history as a broader attack on personal freedom and basic good. .One was Canadian Gordon Sinclair who wrote an editorial “Commentary About America” that not only promoted American exceptionalism, but chastised other countries for their lack of charity and spine. This editorial ultimately became a best-selling single record narrated by Byron MacGregor with background music by the Detroit Symphony Orchestra. The link below it is reminder from the past of American’s generosity and exceptionalism.
Filed under: Constitution Tagged: Americans, Byron, Canadian, Detroit, MacGregor, Symphony