Just when you thought that the Feds could not outdo themselves with ridiculous ideas, they come up with one that leaves many stunned. According to the Washington Free Beacon, the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) will be requiring special shelters to accommodate transgender people that would include sleeping and bathing facilities of their choosing.
This is another example of the Federal government creating classifications of people. Ten years ago most Americans never heard of the term “transgender”. Now, the Federal government is making laws to protect them. There is nothing in the Constitution that gives the government the power to take such actions. It would be bad enough if the government’s intent came from compassion, but it is likely more to do with money and power. HUD’s annual budget is $6.5 billion. By creating subgroups of disadvantaged Americans it gives itself more power and larger future budgets. The only way to put a stop to this lunacy is by forcing the government to operate within a balanced budget.
Filed under: Government Waste Tagged: Fed, Government, HUD, shelter, transgender